Saturday, October 17, 2009

12 weeks and who's counting?

Me! Counting every single day I might be closer to walking and feeling normal again.

Monday, October 19th I see Dr. Kregor for my 12.5 week follow up. At this point I'm probably 75% weight bearing, via one crutch, and hoping Mondays xrays show the bone breaks have finally healed.

It has been amazing to walk with no hip pain or discomfort whatsoever. What was not expected was the continued hip flexor muscle pain I feel when lifting my leg to get it into the car, into bed, or when trying to cross my leg to put a sock on.

I also continue to be plagued with unbearable low back pain after standing for more than 5 minutes, changing positions in bed at night, and sitting up after I've been lying down. I started taking Mobic for a week, an anti-inflammatory friend of mine that I take whenever sciatic nerve pain pops up unexpectedly, but it doesn't seem to be doing any good. I am not having any sciatic nerve pain, just total lumbar pain from left to right and everything inbetween. The mobic I have is a year or two old ... Wonder if that has something to do with the lack of effectiveness. I've been worried ever since I found out I needed surgery if it would aggravate my lower back (have herniation and disk degeration in between the last vertebrae). Throughout most of this recovery and all the sitting and crutching lopsided ... I've had zero back issues. However, the past 4-5 weeks it has been awful. I'm hoping we can get to the bottom of this very soon ... I really need a good, solid nights sleep!!!

Physical therapy continues to progress, except of course those exercises that nearly kill my groin area where the hip flexor is. This past Thursday she took new measurements and tested my strength. Some leg muscles are stronger than others, but it was nice to see that my gluts seem to be the strongest! I was lying on my stomach and doing a straight leg lift upwards while she was trying to push my leg down. She was unsuccessful, and even said "wow! Buns of steel!"! I think I would definately be able to walk unassisted now; moreso than where I was a month ago.

Range of motion is definately an issue. My right knee aches to high heavens when I cross it over my left to put a sock on. I've also noticed I can't bend down as far as I used to (from a sitting position) without feeling some outer/back/side hip pains (like needle sticks). Finally, it seems that the more up and down I'm doing, like on Saturdays like today when I'm trying to take care of the kids, pick up the house, tend to the kids/break up arguments ... My entire right leg was cramping. Is this normal?? Is it just the cold damp weather??

With the cold weather moving into middle TN, so has illness. Almost the entire family has been coughing for a minimum of 2 weeks, my daughter has an ear infection, and we've also had some stomach bug things going on. No fun!

It has been nice driving these past 3 weeks. Mobility has been such a blessing and relief both on me as well as my husband I'm sure. I've also figured out a system whereby I can use my shower! I park the walker right by the shower, back into it, and swivel/pivot on my left foot to get to the middle of the shower stall. It has worked well, except my back is killing me when I sit down at my vanity to finish drying off.

Now if I can just get rid of this last crutch. I'm hoping and praying the bones have finished healing come Monday morning, but everyone heals at different paces and only the xrays will tell for sure.

Let's hope my next post is a more positive one!!


-- Post From My iPhone

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