Monday, August 3, 2009

11 days Post Op, 1 week home

This time last week I was a groggy, pitiful mess who couldn't do a THING. I am continually amazed at how much has changed in this short amount of time. Just a week ago, I was seriously wondering why I decided to go through with this surgery. I was also wondering "what was so bad" with limping before compared to the pain and discomfort I was in when I got home.

I am happy to say (like most other PAO folks) that I am VERY glad I had it done. It will take time to feel like I can reap the full benefits of my newly constructed hip socket and my refreshed femoral head (and hopefully renewed labral tissues over time), however I am already noticing some benefits. The big benefit I have felt is NO LOW BACK PAIN in the mornings!!! For about a month leading up to the surgery, and I may have mentioned this already in my blog, I would wake up with blinding low back pain. I can only assume it was because of my increasing compensation of my left hip to make up for the limping and strain I was experiencing on the right. Well, I haven't had a bit of low back pain since the surgery, despite all the sitting I've been doing! I can only hope and pray the back pain stays away!

I had Physical Therapy at the house today, and it went really well. In case you are wondering what types of exercises one does after hip surgery like this, here is what it focuses on:

  • Ankle pumps (Bending ankles up and down alternating feet - good to exercise calf muscles and if my legs are propped up, helps with the swelling.)
  • Quad sets (Tightening your thigh muscles, holding it, and releasing - doing this in repetition.)
  • Gluteal Squeezes (Need I say more? Exercising those glut muscles.)
  • Heel slides (Not my favorite right now. While lying on my back, sliding my right heel up to where my knee is up in the air and my leg is at an upward angle. You need to use all your thigh muscles to do this, and they are not awake as of yet in my case ... but getting better.)
  • Hip Rotation (While lying down, rotating my toes inward and outward ... causing some rotation in the hip joint. Again not my favorite, but after I get through a few reps, it actually feels good.)
  • Hip Adduction (Basically pretending you are doing snow angels. Sliding your heels outward to the edge of the bed, again moving that hip joint which hurts like the dickens but works those muscles that are still trying to wake up and find their place in life.)

There are a few others, but this is the gist. I'm sure at some point I will be able to move off-site and do more resistance exercises, but right now I'm still just trying to move with my own resistance that I have! PT was pleased nonetheless.

A week from today I go back to see Dr. Kregor for the first time since surgery. I would imagine this visit will involve taking out my 30+ sutures, getting fresh x-rays of his masterpiece, going over what he did during the surgery (now that I'm somewhat more clear-headed now), and talking about where we go from here. I am hoping to get clearance to begin work again, at least from home until I am cleared to drive which may not be for another month or so. We shall see.

Today I received a care package in the mail from work. It was the absolute most thoughtful gift I think I've received yet (and when I say "thoughtful", I mean it - they put a lot of thought into this!). In an effort to de-fuzz my brain which is turning to mush after being at home (and literally in the house) 24/7, there were some books that are favorites of my boss (including "The World is Flat", and couple other books that are Harvard best sellers). There were also some good 'ole convenience store magazines for catching up on celebrities as well as the latest music buzz. Not forgetting about my 2 little ones, there were 2 packages of Putty Bots (little robots with silly putty inside). What is particularly touching about this is, they are exactly the same. We have learned that it doesn't matter if you have a girl and a boy, or 2 girls, or 2 boys ... you have to give them things that are the exact same otherwise there will be an absolute brawl over who gets what! Also for the kids, they have a new Ice Age movie (we had honestly lost the original DVD yet had the 2nd one, so this was uncanny timing), and a book called "The Pigeon Wants a Puppy" so that they can be comforted by Daddy's voice before bed in the absence of Mommy who can't tuck them in upstairs at night.

I was humbled, touched, and simply floored at the thoughtfulness of this "care package" and how it seemed to cover everything we are needing right now. All of the food that our personal and church friends are bringing covers the basic needs of making sure John doesn't have to cook for all of us, and has greatly reduced our grocery bills and trips lately (THANK YOU!!!), and now I have something to share with the family that is a bit more lasting. Thank you Bill, Vic, Christy, Edwina, Mark and Rosanne!!! I am so blessed to work with such a fantastic team.

With my feet propped up, ankle pumps in progress to trying to tackle this annoying swelling, I reckon I will wrap up this post. Until later ...


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