Sunday, August 9, 2009

First Outing

Well, today I ventured out of the house for the first time since I've been home from the hospital. We all went to church together! The kids were quite excited to see me crutch myself to the car and actually get in. It was very cute how they reacted. Everything went really well, however my legs (yes, both legs now) are swelled up like balloons since I haven't had them propped up whatsoever today. It was still so great to see everyone in Sunday School this morning.

It was especially nice to talk to a special lady in our class who is having eye surgery this Friday. Martha Kirkland, who taught me in children's choir when I was in grade school, has been such a spiritual mentor to me these past few years, will be having this surgery so I wanted to take the chance to let her know in person that I would be praying for her. She is such a wonderful woman and has a heart of gold. I hope and pray the surgery goes well and she can recover very quickly.

Tomorrow is an exciting day for me. I have my first appointment with Dr. Kregor since I last saw him in the recovery room! I was EXTREMELY lucky to nab an 8:30am appointment so that hopefully it's early enough so that they don't have a chance for the appointments to run late and thus cause my appointment to run late. My sister is coming to the house early in the morning to stay with my son Jonathan, since he is done with summer camps now. We will take my daughter Kathryn to school when the doors open at 7, then grab our Starbucks, and head to Vanderbilt. I am hoping they will take my stiches out - it is a royal pain to wrap up my hip and thigh with saran-wrap and electrical tape just so I can bathe, without getting the stitches wet (this is not an easy task). I imagine they will also take x-rays of my hip to make sure everything is healing appropriately and that the screws are doing their job. I am also hoping I can get clearance to start working again (remotely from home) on Monday, August 24th. And, while I'm not expecting much, I'm hoping to get some kind of idea on when I can drive again. Since the surgery was on my right hip, I imagine I will still be another month out from being able to drive, but we will see.

I hope to post a great report tomorrow afternoon after my appointment. For now, I just need to try and get this swelling under control ... which seems to be a loosing battle. The swelling encompasses the left foot/ankle, and the right leg from my toes all the way up through my hip area. I could tell there was quite a bit of swelling when I was sitting in the car and I felt like my hip was hanging off one side. Not pleasant!!

Until tomorrow ...

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