Sunday, August 30, 2009

5 1/2 weeks post surgery

Well, not much new to report on the recovery front. I am becoming more proficient with crutches (although Dr. Kregor never told me I could use them!), which is good since crutches are the only way I can get down stairs to the car, and I can move more quickly on them than with a walker. I am still going to PT twice a week, and am steadily seeing progress on leg movements (such as raising my leg to a "captain" position, being able to increase my repetitions on original exercises such as the heel slides, etc.). I still have 3 whole weeks until I see Dr. Kregor again to determine what my next steps are.

I have made myself crutch upstairs to spend some time with the kids lately, and to also sleep in my own bed from time to time. The only problem with sleeping in my own bed is the pain. It is a bit difficult to maneuver pillows underneath my foot to raise it (still have some swelling going on), and my back gets very stiff and sore from lying flat. Our bed is also quite a bit higher off the ground than the medical bed downstairs, so it's harder getting in and out. Also, oddly enough, the toilet in our master bathroom is VERY low to the ground, actually lower than any other toilet. It's difficult in the middle of the night to carefully lower myself down with crutches. (probably more information than you readers care to know!) Nonetheless, there is nothing better than having a nice casual conversation with your husband right before you fall asleep. That makes all the pain and discomfort worth it.

I'm still bathing on the stool in the tub downstairs, using a shower wand. I have a system down now, between getting everything (towel, clothes) set up and within reaching distance beforehand, and the whole routine of getting ready. I have managed not to fall or slip, so I guess all this planning is paying off. I can manage to get pants/shorts on by myself now - meaning I can reach (or bend at the waist) much more easily now. I still have trouble getting socks on my right foot. There is intense pain in my hip when I bend forward and then turn my foot outwards. OUCH! I can at least hook the sock over my toe, then put my foot on the floor and pull the sock on while bent at the waist ... ok, nevermind ... it's just really hard!!

This past week there were 2 huge exciting events. Wednesday was the big kickoff for the children's music and missions program at our church, where I'm one of the leaders for our 1st grade choir! It was hectic. We had pictures, a parade inside the church, and I was back and forth between the wheelchair and crutches ... depending on which part of the church I was in. It was so great to meet a new bunch of 1st graders! Then on Friday, I planned on making a trip to the office to see the crew. It was completely and totally awesome to see my co-workers and the new space we moved into a month ago. The team had unpacked my desk and my pictures, had a group card sitting on my monitor, a plate of homemade chocolate brownies that Edwina made, and it was just so great to be there. I had planned on having John pick me up around lunchtime, but decided not to call him for a lift until around 4:30. :-) He had decided to take the day off, so knowing he was having a "recharge" day just doing whatever he wanted to do ... I hated to interrupt! Plus, I was actually having fun being in the office and felt I was more productive than working at home. Since I had gone 100% on crutches, I was totally beat when I left. I was definitely wishing I had brought the wheelchair.

Oh - and also on Friday, we get an email from John's mom who said she would love to keep the kids for a few hours some night this weekend if we wanted to go out. SERIOUSLY!?!?!?!? We took her up on it ... Saturday night we dropped them off, went to Cheesecake Factory, avoided the cheesecake (we were stuffed!), and then decided to try and kill some time by walking around Green Hills mall. Problem ... forgot the wheelchair. I wanted nothing more than to go by the Coldwater Creek store but absolutely could not crutch that far. My stomach was just in knots over this - couldn't believe I didn't bring the wheelchair. I also failed to mention that just before we left the restaurant, I was walking out of the restroom (marble floor) and there was something slippery on the floor. My right crutch (reminder - right hip was operated on) slipped outwards and of course to catch my balance I put weight on my right leg. I don't think it was full weight yet more than I've put on it yet. I did step outwards quite a ways on the right leg ... and it didn't feel good!!

So, PT tomorrow morning, and again on Thursday, then again for the next 2 Monday's and Thursday's. The hardest part is the status quo of this recovery. I have read other blogs where by this point some have been able to do 25% weight bearing, or are doing ankle weights or elliptical machines ... I'm not one who can be patient with the "status quo". Anyone who has worked with me professionally knows I get bored easily if I'm doing the same thing day in and day out with no accomplishments, no goal to work towards, and no challenge. While I'm seeing minor improvements with PT in lifting my leg while standing, I guess I'm wanting something more significant to make me feel like there will be a light at the end of this seemingly loooong tunnel.

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