Monday, August 24, 2009

4 1/2 weeks since surgery ...

Hello, readers.

I wish I could say that the high's and low's have stabilized since my last post. I have a theory that the "low's" are due to being switched from percoset to lortab 2 weeks ago, combined with just being tired of being disabled. Don't really have an answer ... just try to get by day by day.

Today I had physical therapy. This time last week, the appointment was rough. Really really rough. It was a combination of pain, as well as doing some exercises that truly made me realize my muscular limitations in my quads and hip flexors. Well, today we had some breakthroughs. While doing some new exercises from a "standing" position, I was able to ALMOST lift my knee to a 90 degree angle (like a march)!!! This was huge ... I mean, really huge. I was shocked (as was my therapist) that I was able to lift my leg that high. I'm still not to the point where I'm sure Dr. Kregor wants me to be, but I still have 3 weeks left to make some serious progress before I see him again.

We went to church on Sunday, and that was nice. As always it was good to get out of the house. I'm also starting to make some good traction on some projects at work, which makes the brain feel good. I'm hoping the kids have a good week ... last week my son had a rough first week of Kindergarten. Had several warnings of bad behavior, subsequent time-outs, but then on Thursday and Friday he did really well. Hopefully this is just and adjustment period getting used to a new schedule, new authoritative figures, etc.

Not much new to report on the recovery front. I've found I am sleeping more on my left (non-operated) side which feels good, and less time on my back. The one exception would be if I've been using crutches too much during the day and my ankle swells a great deal, I will sleep downstairs in the mechanical bed so that I can have my legs propped up above my heart so the swelling will go down. Overall the swelling has gotten better, is completely gone in my left leg, but my right ankle is still not cooperating.

Happy Monday, everyone.

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