Wednesday, August 5, 2009

13 days Post Op update

I woke up this morning feeling like I had been hit by a Mack truck. I can't figure out why I was in so much pain, considering I was diligent waking up to take my meds at midnight and 3 am, so I can only assume it was because I was stationary for so long. Once I took my oxycontin for the day and my 4 hour percoset (and a couple cups of Starbucks coffee), I feel human again and am ready to start the day!

The pain this morning was not just in the hip, but also my thigh, palms of my hands, forearms, biceps, triceps, and head. The headache was probably because of the pain everywhere else, and the hands/arms were undoubtedly due to increased use of the walker and wheelchair (there is quite a bit of resistance wheeling on carpet).

This picture is my "room" where I only spend the nights in. The bed was rented from a medical supply store, and comes fully equipped with a lifter bar on the top (that I don't use much anymore, but helped give me something to help lift me up out of a lying down position), and a remote-controlled motor to raise the head and feet as needed. The blue noose-looking-thing is my leg leash. This is another "must have" tool that I use to lift my leg into bed, or move it from side to side to get settled. Once my muscles are stronger, I can stop using this but right now my leg feels like it weighs a ton so it's needed. I have a nice TV on a pedestal at the foot of the bed, my laptop/table stand by the window, and of course a potty. In the middle of the night, it would take me too long to maneuver lifting my leg to the floor, getting the walker, and getting to the restroom down the hall ... so unfortunately this is needed for a while as well.

Which one of these is not like the other?

Swelling is becoming a problem right now. It used to be contained just to the hip and thigh area, but has now progressed down my leg and into my ankle. Dang - I thought swollen ankles were a thing of the past once I had my last child!!! I guess I should be thankful it's only confined to the right ankle, versus having swelling in both.

Nonetheless I feel good now, and am able to get up on the walker to brush my teeth and start working on thank you cards. I also need to do my exercises, so that my muscles can get stronger.

John went to the office this morning for an 8:30 meeting so it's pretty exciting and exhilirating to be able to demonstrate my independence skills for a little while!

Let's hope the pain stays in check for the rest of the day!

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